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What is SISA

You want to do business with us

A private company founded in the UK by Spaniards whose main objective is to spread Spanish culture and language through health and sports activities.


Since 2015 the SISA has been offering owners or managers of sports facilities the opportunity to work with us in new educational context events that allow both sides to achieve fresh economic and social objectives.


The SISA focuses on three fundamental aspects of child and youth development. First, of them coordination and motor skills are one of the most vital for the future development of child’s future development. Second learning the Spanish language; it has worldwide importance as one of the widely most spoken languages . And third sport as a stimulus for health and social integration.

Doing business with us is very simple, if you have sporting facilities where the public usually go for sport activities such as fitness, spinning, and swimming.


Without making any financial investment you can double profits in the summer months, sharing your facilities with children and our specialized monitors.

The SISA proposed a business model in the following cities Target

We organize sports events for education and improving language and physical skills in the following geographical areas. Also we will accept requests from other areas..

The principal activities we have in the sport camp

The child acquires skills and greater self-confidence to succeed in the aquatic environment. The child a more advanced child will improve swimming technique in different styles and thus improve resistance to fatigue-meter swimming.

The objective here is teaching the Spanish language in a fun environment. During the teaching sessions children develop creativity, self-confidence in decision-making and the initiative to write, speak and read Spanish.

This will be promoted through exercises and proprioceptive psychomotricity to coordinate development as well to instil nutritional habits for healthy eating the rest of their lives.

During the campus children perform different sports.

This will increase their reflexes and other physical skills such as strength, speed, flexibility, etc.

All the activities are in spanish language, from our native specialists.

Fun Academy
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